Ecchan kuzu no honkai
Ecchan kuzu no honkai

This is incredibly common in real life (think infamous “marriage sex”), and can serve as the flashpoint for many of those messy breakups you hear about.

ecchan kuzu no honkai

As with Hanabi’s relationship with Mugi, Sanae shows a bloody accurate view of another form of intimate relationship, where only one party is truly interested while the other engages out of fear of losing the other. It certainly fits with the exploitation theme, however, especially with Sanae admitting she has no real chance realizing her love. This I never saw coming after the sleepover, especially given how much Hanabi was willing to try for Mugi. The other shocking development is Hanabi’s sexual adventures with Sanae.

ecchan kuzu no honkai

We don’t have the term spinster just for fun after all. Akane’s entire existence is based around her desirability, a fact (and drug) which will eventually ruin her. Her backstory indicates a hefty amount of fear concerning rejection/exploitation, a fear which somewhere along the line morphed into an infliction fetish as evidenced by her enjoyment tormenting Hanabi. Further interesting is how Akane became like this. Her professed inability reciprocating love is also a substantial indicator. intimately wanted) being any man who is already desired is the key, because in Akane’s world desire is the only objective-notice as soon as her plaything professed to dumping his girlfriend, Akane was turned off. This one is not a narcissist or psychopath as I’ve seen discussed, but a true solipsist, one who sees people not as people with their own thoughts and beliefs, but as flat characters in her own little world. When you dig down, however, Akane’s character becomes significantly more complex. It’s almost a sadistic form of femme fatale. In Hanabi’s case, Akane even seeks deliberate harm by using Hanabi’s brother’s love as a weapon to tear down and belittle the girl.

ecchan kuzu no honkai

Akane apparently finds pleasure in exploiting others, and takes great satisfaction in stringing the ignorant along. I personally guessed Akane was a bad girl a couple weeks prior, but her personality definitely broadens that image into something more sinister. This week of course focuses on the gorgeous Akane, who thoroughly breaks all prior assumptions by emerging a character as broken-if not more-as Hanabi. There is a no holds barred attitude at work here, where relations and infatuation are disorderly, licentious, and outright ribald in spots. Part of what draws me in with Kuzu is how downright disgusting it can be. And oh boy, if this week is anything to go by, I made the right choice. Given how provocative this show is turning and how busy Cherrie is this season, I decided to pick up the coverage if just to see how far down the rabbit hole Kuzu decides to go. Nope you’re not reading wrong, Pancakes is indeed blogging Kuzu.

Ecchan kuzu no honkai